Monday 28 September 2015


Grade 4/5 Homework Program

Dear Parents,

A red “Homework Duotang”  will begin to come home on Monday September 28, 2015 which will contain homework activities for the week for your child.  There are activities assigned for each night of the week, however, if your child would like to complete most or all activities in one night, that is fine.  The “Homework Duotang” is sent home each Monday and is to be returned the following Monday, giving your child the weekend to complete any unfinished tasks.  Additional subject duotangs will be sent home on the nights they are needed to complete certain activities.  They are to be returned the next day to school as they are used in class.  Homework being sent home is not mandatory and is not marked unless it is a task which has been brought home to finish as a result of it not being completed within allotted class time.  All activities provided in the “Homework Duotang” are for practice and are always current to what is being learned in the class.
Please note:  Homework should only be approximately 10 minutes x the grade (10x Grade 4, 10x Grade 5) minutes per night.  This includes reading activities.  If your child is having difficulty with a homework activity or was unable to complete the task due to a commitment etc., please write me a little note in the agenda to inform me.
The Agenda and the Mailbag should continue to come to school daily as it will be used to list special events, reminders, newsletters etc.  The Agenda is also an excellent parent-teacher communication media.  I would ask that the Agenda be signed nightly and I will “OK” stamp it daily show you that I have seen it.
Thank you very much for your cooperation and support!  Maintaining a homework routine with your child will surely benefit him or her academically and also prepare them for future grades.
As a result of our work together, your child will continue to develop as a lifelong learner.


Your Partner in Catholic Education,

Jennifer Quinn

Grade 4 for September 28-October 4, 2015:

Grade 5 HW for September 28-October 4, 2015:

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